If you're going to go the secrecy route to protect an exciting new idea, it better actually be exciting. Problem is, the product is not very good. In fact, it's pretty bad.
Last Wednesday night, a team of FenwayNation food tasters made a careful sampling of four New Fenway Franks—from different concession sources. This gives our research a margin of error of plus or minus 3.4 wieners (at the 95% confidence interval).
OK, let's cut to the chase. The New Fenway Frank is meatier, longer and greasier than its beloved predecessor. However, contrary to the pre-introduction warnings, the taste is not materially spicier or smokier. That is, until you get home, and the spiciness (now coagulated as extra grease) hits you like a lead box full of Hebrew Nationals.
Now, we have nothing against the KAYEM company (local makers of the new dog). In fact, we like the idea of the meat source being closer to the end venue. But, NOG, please, give us back our less meaty, shorter, and cleaner-tasting Old Fenway Frank. It flat out tasted better. Lots better. Sometimes, "filler" is better than greasy substance.
If our Wednesday night test is any indication, your dog revenue is about to take a major dive.
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